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College Students

The Fight for Ethnic Studies at Stanford Teach

DATE: May 24th

TIME: 9 pm to 10 pm

WHERE: Okada Teahouse

WHAT: Come learn about the history of the fight for ethnic studies at Stanford and discuss with the Okada community to shape our pathway forward.



CSRE Faculty and Students Community Conversation


DATE: May 27th

TIME: 3 pm to 5 pm

WHERE: 3rd Floor Old Union



Food & drinks provided and bandana decorating! Be there to gather in support of ethnic studies departmentalization and encourage CSRE faculty to organize and write a CSRE Departmentalization proposal. 



Speeches from students and professors on why departmentalization is important


Go into old union from the entrance facing the courtyard. Take the elevator to the left and back of the first floor to the third floor, where the Sanctuary within the Office for Religious & Spiritual Life is situated.

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